Civic Engagement
Our primary goal is to increase the level of political awareness and civic engagement in Houston’s small business community.
By staying informed and educated on the issues that affect our livelihoods, we can confidently take the actions needed to protect our way of life.
Stop government bailouts and overspending
In times of crisis, blanket approaches like bailouts and spending proposals that include items unrelated to relief, fail to spur economic recovery for the vast majority of Americans.
We will hold our elected officials accountable to act as proper stewards of our hard-earned tax dollars and ensure any spending is timely and relevant to the problems at hand.
Reform corporate welfare
Local economic development policies often lead to corporate welfare and cronyism. This puts government in the position of picking the winners and losers.
This model of economic development is flawed and changes are needed to move Texas in a more free-market direction where entrepreneurs can thrive.
Prohibit taxpayer money from funding lobbyists
Local governments use your tax dollars to pay high-priced lobbyists to advocate for more taxes, greater spending, and increased regulatory authority.
It’s simply wrong to ask taxpayers and small businesses to fund lobbying activities that go against their interests, and it needs to stop.
Reform local government authority
Under recent disaster declarations, local government officials have created a host of new rules and regulations using special emergency powers, many of which are unwarranted and even unlawful.
Major changes are needed to better balance our constitutional rights with these emergency powers.